19 Mar 2013

Deft, A Viaduct & IKEA Hot Dogs

After moaning about it yesterday, I decided to go for a walk after work with some tunes on.

I got on the Butetown Link Road (A4232, road number fans) with the intention of dropping down into Hamadryad Park. Unfortunately there were no steps down and I didn't want to turn around on a bridge, especially as there were people behind me. So due to not wanting to look like a plonker, I proceeded to walk the length of the viaduct... like a plonker. Still it gave me a chance to listen to some tunes.

I decided to continue on to IKEA and bought some things that are kind of useful but that I was living without quite comfortably. An expensive habit is walking. I also had one of their hot dogs; I wouldn't care even if they were made out of the eyelids of dogs, one them with that mustard on is the bomb.

Anyway the music! I gave that Bok Bok and Girl Unit live thing another spin on the way there, heard Darius on the in-store (it's no Co-op Radio) and a few interesting bits on the awkward walk home (I bought a laundry basket and a clothes rack).

Firstly there was The Field's loping and melancholic Then It's White as I walked around my old stomping ground of Grangetown...

And also Deft's rather fine Supa Dupa.

MP3 ---> Deft - Supa Dupa [hot link from XLR8R]

I'm really liking Deft's productions; his Jungle Jim track was very close to making my top 10 last year.

So yeah, that's what piqued my interest today... maybe I'll turn this into a music and walking blog... seeing that the Fat Hipster Running strand was so successful and long-running.